About Me





Curriculum Vitae

Personal data

Name: Cornel I. Nicolai KÁNYA

Date of birth: 20-September-1945 in ORADEA city, ROMANIA

Romanian citizen

Nationality: Hungarian

Permanent address: str.Regele Ferdinand (Republicii), nr.12, et. II, apt. 15, 3700, ORADEA, ROMANIA

My email addresses




My sites



My all life "hobby": The Three-Body Problem!
A 300 years old challenge!

Elementary and high school

1952-1963 at Eminescu Lyceum in Oradea (Nagyvárad, Grosswardein)

Undergraduate studies

1963-1968 at Bucharest University, Physics  Faculty, Section: Nuclear Physics, Specialty: High Energy and Nuclear Spectroscopy

Post-graduate studies

PhD non!

My Ph.D. program started in 1973, but interrupted before finalizing the experimental physics subject…


·         1968 - February1977, Institute of Atomic Physics, Bucharest, researcher

·         February 1977 - 1978, Institute of  Energetic Nuclear Reactors, Pitesti, researcher

·         1979 - May 1997, Direction of Crisuri Waters, Oradea, computer programmer

·         May 1997 –   present, “old man”

Papers (a few )

1.     D.Dragomirescu, C.Kánya; Experimental evidence of a small left-right hand asymmetry in the Compton scattering by transversally polarized electrons, Rev.Roum.Phys., 18, 4 (1973)


2.     C.Kánya; Dispozitiv ţintă de electroni polarizaţi transversal pt. difuzia Compton, St.Cerc.Fiz., 27, 3  (1975) 


3.     C.Kánya; Cameră de reacţie pt. corelaţii, St.Cerc.Fiz., 27, 5  (1975) 


4.      I.Brad, D.Dragomirescu, C.Kánya; Determinarea conţinutului de proteine în boabele de cereale, St.Cerc.Fiz., 27, 10  (1975)


5.      C.Kánya; Some aspects regarding the conception and optimization of experiments, Rev.Roum.Phys., 20, 8  (1975) 


Some Summer schools, some scientifical sessions. 

Roughly this is all! 


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